7. Full Node Implementation

7.1. Recap

The library is based around the concept of services which operate through threadpools. We’ve covered the basics of the different services present to build Bitcoin applications.

Chapter 1 talked about the design philosophy of libbitcoin. It was a largely theoretical text about the underpinnings of the library.

Chapter 2 gave a quick practical example.

Chapter 3 introduced core libbitcoin concepts, and an anatomy of the library. We looked at basic data types, the logging subsystem and useful snippets of the standard library.

Chapter 4 covered basic crypto, working with keys, deterministic wallets and converting different key formats.

Chapter 5 discussed how to operate the blockchain and use the leveldb_blockchain backend. We saw how the poller service polls new blocks from nodes, and how new blocks/reorganisations are handled.

Chapter 6 illustrated the networking concepts. network is the base service that handles networking, while protocol handles joining the peer to peer network. There are other services that manage different aspects of the Bitcoin network like handshake for the initialization handshake between 2 nodes, or hosts for managing lists of Bitcoin hosts.

In this chapter we will introduce the final puzzle piece: unconfirmed transactions. Putting it all together we will build a full Bitcoin node in under 200 lines of code.

We will introduce 2 new services. transaction_pool is the unconfirmed transaction memory pool and validates incoming transactions for us. session ties all the services together in a high level wrapper. It’s a convenience service dealing with details like requesting transactions from the network or starting the protocol service.

7.2. Source Code

You can view the source code: examples/fullnode.cpp.

Before starting, make sure to have initialized a blockchain database.

$ cd examples/
$ make
$ mkdir database/
$ ./initchain database
Imported genesis block 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f
$ ./fullnode

7.3. Basic Outline

We will make a fullnode class that is responsible for holding all the threadpool and service objects. There are 2 class methods to start() and stop() it respectively.

class fullnode
    void start();
    // Should only be called from the main thread.
    // It's an error to join() a thread from inside it.
    void stop();

    // ...

    // Threadpools
    threadpool net_pool_, disk_pool_, mem_pool_;
    // Services
    hosts hosts_;
    handshake handshake_;
    network network_;
    protocol protocol_;
    leveldb_blockchain chain_;
    poller poller_;
    transaction_pool txpool_;
    // Mac OSX needs the bc:: namespace qualifier to compile.
    // Other systems should be OK.
    bc::session session_;

Our main() function instantiates the fullnode, starts it and then waits for the user to stop the node by pressing enter.

int main()
    // ...

    fullnode app;

    return 0;

The constructor of fullnode creates the threadpools and services, passing their dependencies into the constructor. Services generally use their constructor for specifying their dependencies.

    // Threadpools and the number of threads they spawn.
    // 6 threads spawned in total.
  : net_pool_(1), disk_pool_(4), mem_pool_(1),
    // Networking related services.
    hosts_(net_pool_), handshake_(net_pool_), network_(net_pool_),
    protocol_(net_pool_, hosts_, handshake_, network_),
    // Blockchain database service.
    // Poll new blocks, and transaction memory pool.
    poller_(mem_pool_, chain_), txpool_(mem_pool_, chain_),
    // Session manager service. Convenience wrapper.
    session_(net_pool_, {
        handshake_, protocol_, chain_, poller_, txpool_})

We also define the start() and stop() methods of the fullnode. If start() fails then fullnode::handle_start() will be called with std::error_code set. If the std::error_code is set then the error message is displayed.

It’s a mistake to call fullnode::stop() from within the same completion handler as we would then try to call threadpool::join() within the same thread causing a resource deadlock. Instead it is preferable to use std::condition_variable to signal to main() that it’s time to exit. We leave this as an exercise to the reader.

void fullnode::start()
    // Start blockchain. Must finish before any operations
    // are performed on the database (or they will fail).
    std::promise<std::error_code> ec_chain;
    auto blockchain_started =
        [&](const std::error_code& ec)
    chain_.start("database", blockchain_started);
    std::error_code ec = ec_chain.get_future().get();
    if (ec)
        log_error() << "Problem starting blockchain: " << ec.message();
    // Start transaction pool
    // Fire off app.
    auto handle_start =
        std::bind(&fullnode::handle_start, this, _1);

void fullnode::stop()
    session_.stop([](const std::error_code&) {});

    // Stop threadpools.
    // Join threadpools. Wait for them to finish.

    // Safely close blockchain database.

void fullnode::handle_start(const std::error_code& ec)
    if (ec)
        log_error() << "fullnode: " << ec.message();

7.4. Unconfirmed Transactions

Before bitcoin transactions make it into a block, they go into a transaction memory pool. transaction_pool encapsulates that functionality performing the neccessary validation of a transaction before accepting it into its internal buffer.

threadpool pool(1);
// transaction_pool needs access to the blockchain
blockchain* chain = load_our_backend();
// create and initialize the transaction memory pool
transaction_pool txpool(pool, *chain);

The session service automatically does the task of asking for new transactions that the transaction_pool doesn’t have. For every new connection, we must subscribe to new transactions from the network using channel::subscribe_transaction().

These new transactions must then be validated by attempting to store it in the transaction memory pool with transaction_pool::store().

class fullnode
    // ...

    // ...

    // New connection has been started.
    // Subscribe to new transaction messages from the network.
    void connection_started(const std::error_code& ec, channel_ptr node);
    // New transaction message from the network.
    // Attempt to validate it by storing it in the transaction pool.
    void recv_tx(const std::error_code& ec,
        const transaction_type& tx, channel_ptr node);
    // Result of store operation in transaction pool.
    void new_unconfirm_valid_tx(
        const std::error_code& ec, const index_list& unconfirmed,
        const transaction_type& tx);

    // ...

At the beginning of start, we subscribe to new connections.

void fullnode::start()
    // Subscribe to new connections.
        std::bind(&fullnode::connection_started, this, _1, _2));
    // ...

And for every new connection, we subscribe to transaction messages from the network by calling channel::subscribe_transaction(). We again call protocol::subscribe_channel() to continue being notified of new connections.

void fullnode::connection_started(const std::error_code& ec, channel_ptr node)
    if (ec)
        log_warning() << "Couldn't start connection: " << ec.message();
    // Subscribe to transaction messages from this node.
        std::bind(&fullnode::recv_tx, this, _1, _2, node));
    // Stay subscribed to new connections.
        std::bind(&fullnode::connection_started, this, _1, _2));

7.4.1. Validating The Transaction

The transaction_pool interface is deliberately simple to minimise overhead. This class attempts no tracking of inputs or spends and only provides a store/fetch paradigm. Tracking must be performed externally and make use of transaction_pool::store()‘s handle_store and handle_confirm to manage changes in the state of memory pool transactions.

void transaction_pool::store(const transaction_type& stored_transaction, confirm_handler handle_confirm, store_handler handle_store)

Attempt to store a transaction.

handle_store is called on completion. The second argument is a list of unconfirmed input indexes. These inputs refer to a transaction that is not in the blockchain and is currently in the memory pool.

In the case where store results in error::input_not_found, the unconfirmed field refers to the single problematic input.

void handle_store(
    const std::error_code& ec,      // Status of operation
    const index_list& unconfirmed   // Unconfirmed input indexes

handle_confirm is called when the transaction makes it into a block (becoming confirmed) and is removed from the transaction pool.

void handle_confirm(
    const std::error_code& ec    // Status of operation

Upon receiving transactions in fullnode::recv_tx(), we validate the transaction by attempting to store it in the transaction pool.

void fullnode::recv_tx(const std::error_code& ec,
    const transaction_type& tx, channel_ptr node)
    if (ec)
        log_error() << "Receive transaction: " << ec.message();
    // Called when the transaction becomes confirmed in a block.
    auto handle_confirm = [](const std::error_code& ec)
            if (ec)
                log_error() << "Confirm error: " << ec.message();
    // Validate the transaction from the network.
    // Attempt to store in the transaction pool and check the result.
    txpool_.store(tx, handle_confirm,
        std::bind(&fullnode::new_unconfirm_valid_tx, this, _1, _2, tx));
    // Resubscribe to transaction messages from this node.
        std::bind(&fullnode::recv_tx, this, _1, _2, node));

We now have the result of this sequence of operations. We know whether the transaction successfully passed validation or not.

void fullnode::new_unconfirm_valid_tx(
    const std::error_code& ec, const index_list& unconfirmed,
    const transaction_type& tx)
    const hash_digest& tx_hash = hash_transaction(tx);
    if (ec)
            << "Error storing memory pool transaction "
            << tx_hash << ": " << ec.message();
        auto l = log_info();
        l << "Accepted transaction ";
        if (!unconfirmed.empty())
            l << "(Unconfirmed inputs";
            for (auto idx: unconfirmed)
                l << " " << idx;
            l << ") ";
        l << tx_hash;

7.4.2. Requesting Dependencies

If the transaction failed to validate because one of its inputs was missing, then error::input_not_found will be set as the std::error_code, and unconfirmed will be set to a single value of which input was missing in the transaction. From this we can request the missing dependency from the network.

if (ec == error::input_not_found)
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(unconfirmed.size() == 1);
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(unconfirmed[0] < tx.inputs.size());
    size_t missing_index = unconfirmed[0];
    const auto& prevout = tx.inputs[missing_index].previous_output;
    log_info() << "Requesting dependency " << encode_hex(prevout.hash)
        << " for " << encode_hex(tx_hash);
    get_data_type getdata;
        {inventory_type_id::transaction, prevout.hash});
    node->send(getdata, depends_requested);

Upon receipt of the dependency transaction from the remote host, and its successful validation in the transaction_pool, we must resubmit this transaction. Assuming no other inputs are missing, the resubmitted transaction should then pass validation.
