.. _examples_initchain: examples/initchain.cpp ###################### :: #include #include using namespace bc; int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) return 1; const std::string dbpath = argv[1]; // Threadpool context containing 1 thread. threadpool pool(1); // leveldb_blockchain operations execute in pool's thread. leveldb_blockchain chain(pool); // Completion handler for starting the leveldb_blockchain. // Does nothing. auto blockchain_start = [](const std::error_code& ec) {}; // Start blockchain with a database path. chain.start(dbpath, blockchain_start); // First block is the genesis block. block_type first_block = genesis_block(); std::promise ec_promise; // Completion handler for import method. auto import_finished = [&ec_promise](const std::error_code& ec) { ec_promise.set_value(ec); }; // Import the genesis block at height 0. // Doesn't validate or perform checks on the block. chain.import(first_block, 0, import_finished); // Wait until std::error_code is set by // import_finished completion handler. std::error_code ec = ec_promise.get_future().get(); if (ec) { log_error() << "Importing genesis block failed: " << ec.message(); return -1; } log_info() << "Imported genesis block " << hash_block_header(first_block); // All threadpools stopping in parallel... pool.stop(); // ... Make them all join main thread and wait until they finish. pool.join(); // Now safely close leveldb_blockchain. chain.stop(); return 0; }